Total number of apps: 13
Available apps (alphabetically sorted)
Current state: development (version 0.12.3)
An AiiDAlab application for the Aurora BIG-MAP Stakeholder initiative.
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Empa nanotech@surfaces Laboratory - Molecules
Current state: development (version attr: empa_molecules.version.__version__)
App to compute molecular properties.
No categories specified.
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Regional Inverse Modelling
Current state: registered (version 2024.1003a6)
App for FLEXPART simulations
No categories specified.
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Current state: registered (version v2023.1003)
Enable multi-factor authentication for CSCS accounts
MarketPlace - Use Case 3
Current state: registered (version 0.5.0)
"App for the MarketPlace Project's Use Case 3."
No categories specified.
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Empa nanotech@surfaces Laboratory - Graphene nanoribbons
Current state: stable (version 2.1.0)
Tools for graphene nanoribbons, developed at the nanotech@surfaces laboratory, Empa
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Current state: registered (version 24.10.0a7)
The Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) app is a web-based interface within AiiDAlab that allows users to perform first-principles calculations and analyze material properties (e.g., band structures) directly from their browser.
Empa nanotech@surfaces Laboratory - Scanning Probe Microscopy
Current state: stable
App to run scanning probe microscopy simulations.
Empa nanotech@surfaces Laboratory - On-Surface Chemistry
Current state: stable (version 1.0.0b20)
Tools for on-surface chemistry, developed at the nanotech@surfaces laboratory, Empa.
No categories specified.
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